Do You Shop on

Support ISPTSA as you shop. AmazonSmile ( will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible purchases. When you shop at, you’ll find the same products, prices, and shopping features as, with the added bonus that AmazonSmile Foundation will donate a portion of the purchase price to the IS PTSA when you choose Bellevue International School PTSA as your charitable organization on your account.

Simply link your account, and our students benefit!

Here is How:

On Your Phone:

  1. Go to:
    • Settings (bottom right on app click on 3 lines and then scroll to bottom of screen)
    • Click on AmazonSmile
    • Select your Charity (Bellevue International School PTSA).
  2. Set it and forget it. 0.5% of your purchases will be donated to International PTSA!

In a Browser:

  1. Click on the AmazonSmile Banner below:
  2. Go to, and choose Bellevue International School PTSA as the ‘charitable organization’ that you would like to link your account to, and Amazon will now give a percentage of all of your eligible purchases to ISPTSA.
  3. If you have Amazon bookmarked in your browser, change your bookmark to AmazonSmile, which allows you to shop as you normally would, but links your purchases to ISPTSA. From now on, please always shop through rather than, and ask your family, and friends to also.

To learn more about AmazonSmile, click here.